Thursday, August 6, 2009

Twisters Club Announced

The Marshall County Twisters 4-H Club has announced it's meeting dates for the 2009-2010 4-H Year. The Twisters club is open to ANY youth ages 9-19 who do not participate in an In-School 4-H Club. The Marshall County 4-H Program offers opportunities in the following: Arts & Crafts, Architecture, Robotics, Public Speaking, Leadership, Citizenship, Community Service, Cooking, Horses, Camping, Shooting Sports and much, much more!

Meeting dates for the Twisters club are as follows:

In 2009: September 15, October 20, November 17
In 2010 : January 19, February 16, and March 16

Each meeting will be held on the Ground Floor of the Courthouse in Guntersville from 6:00-7:30. For questions contact Kristen at 582.2009

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